Having created a page for the band on Facebook, I was then keen to get some of our music up so as people can get some idea of what we sound like. I did a bit of research in to Facebook music players and accidentally happened upon ReverbNation. It is very like MySpace but dedicated to music and the Band Profile created can be linked into the Facebook page which is great. It also has some useful widgets which I have added on the right of the page also so as you can listen to a couple of tracks recorded at rehearsal, find out where our next gigs are at and join our mailing list. I only got this happening yesterday and I have been a little stunned that we already have 13 fans and I have received personal feedback from some about the tracks I have uploaded.
"much respect....from SR......hornsraised-rick..."
"Good stuff guys"
"Really tight live work guys!!"
If your band is not on ReverbNation then I can recommend that you might like to consider doing something about that!